Right now, I know what you're probably thinking...
You're probably worried that this is some super complicated piece of software that only people with a degree in rocket science can use... am I right?
Well, to be blunt, you couldn't be more wrong.
This thing is completely simple. I mean, you could train a monkey to use it for you. You could get your six year old daughter to do it for you. I'm not kidding. It really is that simple.
Remember how I showed you earlier that I wasn't the cleverest guy around? I'm serious, I'm not some college graduate with a bunch of letters after my name. If I can use it, anyone can.
Because that means it's accessible to everyone...
It's not just for big rich SEO guys to tackle the hugest niches with.
Regular guys like us can use it to completely corner our niches too...
More legal stuff: The FTC rules and regulations for online businesses require disclaimers when using testimonials, so here is ours:
The performance experienced by the following user comments and testimonials on our Web site is not what you should expect to experience. Although we accept these testimonials in good faith, we have not independently examined the business records of any of the providers and therefore have not verified any specific figures or results stated therein. These results are not typical, and your income or results, if any, will vary and there is a risk you may not make any money at all.
Warning: You can skip to the bottom if you get tired of reading the user success stories... There are alot. KE has saved me days and days of work, and that could be worth a thousand dollars... "I purchased Keyword Elite when it first came out, and boy, am I glad I did! KE has saved me days and days of work, and that could be worth thousands of dollars. If you are still hesitating, remember, time is money, and Keyword Elite will save you from all those tiring keyword research work. You will get back your investment on the first day you use the program. Honestly, there's no keyword tool like KE. Forget those hyped up membership sites. Thanks Brad." - Jay Young Webmaster 1800homepage.com I have found very profitable keywords in my market... "I have used Keyword Elite to find very profitable keywords in the areas of home automation and distance learning. I have built two sites around these keywords http://wirelessx10.com and http://onlinecredits.org These sites are brand new and content is being added daily. Oneway links are starting to grow and click-throughs are modest but growing." - Bill Henniger Webmaster wirelessx10.com My trafic has started to increase rapidly... " Although my experience with Keyword Elite isn't that extensive yet, and maybe my target market isn't that big, and I still have some way to go, but for my chosen kewords I'm now listed high in Google (for some key phrases number 1 & 2 in Google)and my traffic has started to increase rapidly, jumping for a few odd passers by to nearly 5000 visitors in a matter of weeks." - Malcolm Davis Webmaster Now with KeywordElite, I finally get a good hourly rate for myself for a change!... "As a Web Doctor I am fixing up websites that typically have no keywords. This was time consuming to research for clients. Now with KeywordElite I can still charge the same amount of money, however, I finally get a good hourly rate for myself for a change! Thank you guys! www.WebDoctor.co.nz" - Simon Cope Webmaster WebDoctor.co.nz Traffic is up and sales are booming... "I've played around with other keyword generators - played is the key word here - you know what I mean! With Keyword Elite I've been able to quickly gather keywords to launch new adword campaigns effortlessly. Traffic is up and sales are booming! Great job - one less time consuming task to deal with... " - Michael Hobach Webmaster realEstateSecrets.com My sites climb steadily in the search engines since I started using Keyword Elite... " I don't have dollars and cents to report but I am watching 2 of my 3 sites climb steadily in the search engines since I started using Keyword Elite. I am well pleased with it. The 3rd site hasn't been optimized yet because I wanted to use it as a "control". I'm convinced... that one is going to worked on first thing tomorrow. " - Edna Kelly Webmaster thenuthouse.com I am putting up sites that will be bringing in money for years to come... " Hi Brad, Keyword Elite has opened up for me a whole new world of marketing on the Internet. I am putting up sites that will be bringing in money for years to come. Plus Keyword Elite is so easy to use. Thanks, Paul Bergman " - Paul Bergman Webmaster ...This tool alone will save us thousands of dollars a year on Adwords advertising " I have a harddrive full of keyword tools I have purchased and tried throughout the years. I have also tried all of the free ones. None of them compare to KeywordElite. This tool alone will save us thousands of dollars a year on Adwords advertising. " - Jim Zdrazil Webmaster cleanupstuff.com KeywordElite has been given me payback way more than I would have expected... " KeywordElite has been given me payback way more than I would have expected. Not only is the software excellent but the support system is rock solid with constant updates and a great forum. I highly recommend this to anyone working with keywords or SEO/SEM. " - Fred Baker Webmaster helping me get started with finding profitable niches for Adsense Web sites... " Keyword Elite is really helping me get started with finding profitable niches for Adsense Web sites. I am delighted with its functionality. " - Phyllis Wheeler Webmaster ...Im getting more traffic ever since! " Brad using keyword elite has helped me a great deal.. I have used it to spy on my competition in the niche that Im involved with and I have started bidding on alot of keywords that I had not been using because I did not "think" them up, So I just snatched them from the other guys Im spying on and Im getting more traffic ever since! " - Jeff West Webmaster ...It not only helps generate more money, it saves time " Who wouldn"t want to have the ultinmate tool for rapidly obtaining link partners to drive traffic to your web site? Keyword Elite has done allof that and more. It not only helps generate more money, it saves time. " - John Conway Webmaster successbuilder.depotbuilder.com ...shown me the possibilities of profitable key words I would never have thought of, or found " I'm only new at this game so I don't have any specific results for you, but what I can say is this, as a newbie, KeywordElite has really expanded my understanding of keyword research. Compared to other keyword utilities KeywordElite has shown me the possibilities of profitable key words I would never have thought of, or found. " - Adam Jones Webmaster It has allowed me to identify several areas where I wasn't using advertising to create some instant traffic... " KE is a great tool for monitoring adwords campaigns. It has allowed me to identify several areas where I wasn't using advertising to create some instant traffic. Obviously I hope over time that my traffic will come naturally with organiz search engine results (SEO Elite helps here!) but in the meanwhile it is nice to be able to analyze what others are doing for PPC in a market. " - Matt Webmaster Earning a living on the internet just got a whole lot easier... " I love the ease of use and the information it brings to my desktop in just minutes! Earning a living on the internet just got a whole lot easier. " - ZMAN INC Webmaster notesellernetwork.com I look to see what keywords affiliates are going after and then I swoop in and take profits myself... " I just love spying on the Adwords competition. I look to see what keywords affiliates are going after and then I swoop in and take profits myself. " - Mark Massing Webmaster Saves most of the research time needed to get your site earning top dollar from ads... " Extremely powerful software. This is close as you can get to fully automatating your Adsense campaigns. Saves most of the research time needed to get your site earning top dollar from ads. " - Neil Rosenfeld Webmaster how I can either tap them for Adsense profits... " KeywordElite has allowed me to much better understand what my niche competitors are doing and how I can either tap them for Adsense profits, or outcompete them by Adwords ads. " - Nathan Shaw Webmaster mind-matrix.com your tools ensure that making money online is a snap of the finger... " Brad, you are a mind blowing Internet Marketer. Your a marketing genius and you are highly successful in hyper competitive niche markets. It's clear as day that you have profound wisdom through experience, and you are willing to share that with others!?! You actively practice everything you teach, and your tools ensure that making money online is a snap of the finger. I seriously can't imagine trying to run an online business without your tools. I didn't know how much I need Keyword Elite until I bought it. Within the first week my income practically double. Um... thank you? Wow Brad, you never stop amazing me with these brilliant tools. www.MyRashGuards.com " - Tyler Collins Webmaster I am gaining valuable insight on how to maximize my website(s)for profit... " I'm still in the beginning stages of using SEO Elite but I am very happy thus far. I am gaining valuable insight on how to maximize my website(s)for profit. " - Larry Tay Webmaster ...my traffic and conversions has gone up recently " With Keyword Elite, I was able to revisit my keyword lists and greatly expand my paid search results. I came up with new keywords and phrases I had never thought of before. As a result, my traffic and conversions has gone up recently. " - Dan B. Webmaster By far the best tool to profit from Google Adsense... " By far the best tool to profit from Google Adsense. A fool and his money are soon departed without using this software. " - Michael Corcoran Webmaster I've found a new source of revenue for my AdSense sites... "Brad, Just wanted to let you know that I've found a new source of revenue for my AdSense sites. Using your keyword research program, I've discovered a whole new world of misspelled keywords to work with. I've found KeywordElite to be easy to use and I absolutely love the latest enhancements." - Phil Scimone Webmaster orangetreeweb.com Keyword Elite makes profiting with Adsense, Adwords and Affiliate Programs almost too easy... " An absolutely essential tool for anyone serious about making money online. Keyword Elite makes profiting with Adsense, Adwords and Affiliate Programs almost too easy. Garnett Johnston http://www.mysuccessticket.com " - Garnett Johnston Webmaster mysuccessticket.com we have won a large contract by showing Google bid amounts on spacific key words... " We have a large portal in the UK, about to be launched, which we will be using Keyword Elite for ad sense. Meanwhile, we have won a large contract by showing Google bid amounts (and other information) on spacific key words in a presentation report. Information is power which shuld convert into sales - thank you David Westwood " - David Westwood Webmaster I can easily find low-cost keywords which bring me solid traffic... " Keyword Elite allows me to create huge keyword lists for my Google Adwords campaigns, and allows me to monitor exactly which keywords my competition are bidding on! Now I can easily find low-cost keywords which bring me solid traffic -- I'm spending less and am getting way more traffic from Google Adwords! " - Riggie Freyer Webmaster allowed me to profit more easily from my product launches... " Hi Brad, Keyword Elite has allowed me to create my first information products in much more specific sub niches which has allowed me to profit more easily from my product launches by putting my products in front of exact customers that will potentially purchase my product. I'm not wasting payper clicks on the wrong customers thanks to Keyword Elite. KE allowed my to find my market with speed and ease. thanks " - Posmindset Webmaster I have seen my traffic go through the roof... " I have used Keyword Elite since the day it was release and I have seen my traffic go through the roof. Pulling a profit producing keyword list has never been easier. " - KJ Ross Webmaster I have been able to find the most profitable keyword for my niche... " Using KeywordElite, I have been able to find the most profitable keyword for my niche and have found other niches I would like to pursue. " - Michelle Webmaster generating more traffic and profit from their websites... " You have produced an outstanding tool for anyone interested in generating more traffic and profit from their websites. An easy to use interface and provides all the data you need to create or maintain your sites. " - Peter Gomes Webmaster ...I saw positive results (more money) within several days " I have used Keyword Elite for about a month. After the training, I saw positive results (more money) within several days. " - Mark Musselman Webmaster after just a few days I have received more subscriptions that in the last 3 months... " Hi Brad, Just recently purchased Keyword Elite for use on my site www.home-marketing-master.com. As you know the internet marketing niche is extremely competitive! Anyhow after just a few days I have received more subscriptions that in the last 3 months just as a result of using keyword elite to choose more effective keywords. Graham Sifflet www.home-marketing-master.com " - Graham Sifflet Webmaster home-marketing-master.com Keyword Elite to help find high paying Google AdSense keywords and driving traffic to those pages... " I'm new to this whole making money on the internet thing, but starting out I'm using Keyword Elite to help find high paying Google AdSense keywords and driving traffic to those pages with budget-friendly minimal bids on related Google AdWords keywords also generated with Keyword Elite. I'm getting traffic based on keyword combinations I wouldn't have come up with myself. The thing I like most about Keyword Elite is that it's not just a list generator. I've paid for keyword lists before, and then I don't know what I'm supposed to do with them. Keyword Elite gives you the tools to actually do something with keywords, and I've been very impressed so far. " - Doug Smith Webmaster I made money from keywords and supporting analysis generated by KeywordElite... " Simply put - I made money from keywords and supporting analysis generated by KeywordElite " - Lime Project Webmaster I can get the most traffic possible from my PPC campaigns... " Keyword Elite helps me quickly gather new keyword ideas so that I can get the most traffic possible from my PPC campaigns. " - Derek Beauchemin Webmaster How they rank so well and what... " Brad, My friend, I am new to world of internet marketing but not new to the business world. I managed a very successful specialty retail store years ago. So I hope to enter into the realm of ecommerce. The wisdom I gain in the physical world is applicable online in many ways and in many ways not practical. Several months ago I came across your site and found your information insightful. After doing a little more research, I purchased both your SEO software and Keyword elite. At first I thought a little pricey but Ive since learned that time I would have spent doing the research is far more costly that the expense of your software. The age old saying "time is money," is certainly applicable. I truly believe that location location location is critical to your success in any business. In the real world its storefront traffic, on the web is your position on the search engine. I've used KeyElite along with SEO analyzer to understand my competition. How they rank so well and what ... " - Mark Domayer Webmaster bargainz-n-more.com i now have instant traffic to my site and i even know which products to promote... " Hi Brad, Keyword elite is out standing. I have created a complete website using all the information keyword elite has been able to give me. Analyzing before creating was a big plus as i now have instant traffic to my site and i even know which products to promote. Keyword Elite has saved me countless hours and dollars on research and designing web sites that dont work. Keyword Elite is a must have product when deciding to create an online business. " - Ron Cripps Webmaster detectingadwarespyware.com we have more clients wanting to join in and continue to increase the number of clients we work with... " Hello Brad, I'm a beginner in the Search Engine Marketing World. I own an advertising agency working with clients in the medical, aviation and retail industries. I am learning more every day about this medium. I can tell you that Keyword Elite has helped in so many ways with my clients. One client in the aviation industry provides consultant services for business owners who are considering purchasing a business aircraft or a fractional share. Using Keyword Elite I have found keywords to reach these business owners who are needing these services. This client doesn't have the largest budget, but using the software has allowed me to find keywords that do not have high competition for lower CPCs. Because of the successes we are having with pay per click, we have more clients wanting to join in and continue to increase the number of clients we work with. Next week we will be starting a campaign that involved Summer Space Camps. I can't wait to give my results. Thanks again and ... " - Marc Zwygart Webmaster It's faster and more reliable and best of all it makes me more profitable... " Brad: Thank you for your time, effort and attention to detail in putting together keyword elite. I have been able to reduce the number of tools I use in harvesting keywords from 5 to only one. Keyword Elite. It's faster and more reliable and best of all it makes me more profitable. Dave Hackbart " - Dave Hackbart Webmaster I discoverd the exact keywords to use to make a profit out of Adwords and my websites... " Brad, I never tought that I needed KE until I used this amazing tool. I thought I was on finding and using the right keywords for our website.....boy was I wrong! I discoverd the exact keywords to use to make a profit out of Adwords and my websites! Now I will use KE for all my niche-sites and I know for certain (unless they use KE) that my competition will bite in the dust from now on! Kind Reagards, Remco Borsato www.image2day.com " - Remco Borsato Webmaster image2day.com | |
Let me tell you, if you use Keyword Elite 2.0 you'll be constantly uncovering new niches. Not only that, you'll be finding new keywords and angles for your old niches too.
Check out how it can help you uncover devastatingly profitable niches...
 | Drill into a niche and uncover micro and even nano niches at will... |
 | Generate unlimited keywords within any niche |
 | Apply ridiculously flexible filters to every keyword list... this is how you find the diamonds... |
 | Get an instant report on how you can dominate each niche through SEO alone... |
 | Instantly see exactly how many searches your niche has had over the last six months |
 | Know immediately whether a niche is worth pursuing, or whether to move on |
Pretty cool huh?
Let me tell you, once you've got to grips with that, you've made it. You'll be able to write your own paycheck.
All you need to do is set up simple blogs or minisites in each niche and you've greatly increased your chance of generating more income. Then you just move on to the next niche... and the one after, and the one after that...
Work as hard as you want, just building up your empire with each site you build.

Sometimes the best way to get real money is to just jump into the big niches... weight loss, marketing, whatever.
Sometimes you need to kick the doors in and carve your own slice of that big niche...
And Keyword Elite 2.0 will help you do that... here's how:
 | Instantly see where the big dogs in the niche are getting their traffic... |
 | Use the insanely flexible keyword filters to zero in on the money terms... |
 | Quickly and easily track down the biggest sites in the niche and approach them for JVs... |
 | Use the Advanced Google Site Targeter to find big name advertising partners |
 | Accurately analyze the other sites and find out exactly what keywords they're targeting |
 | Use the Search Engine Dominator to find out how to beat even the biggest sites |
Sure, getting into big niches like this can be tough...
But it doesn't have to be.
So all you need is a smart tool that can point you to where people search, and you're golden.
Keyword Elite 2.0 is that tool.
You'll simply be able to cash in on keywords the competition don't even know about. And let me tell you, that makes getting into the big niches much easier...
You see, the mistake people make when entering a big niche is just going for the most popular keywords. And that's the exact same mistake I made with my weight loss website.
Let me tell you, working with more tightly focused keywords is not only more profitable, but they're a whole lot easier to rank for too.
And Keyword Elite 2.0 will find you pages and pages of keywords like that...
Think about what you can do with constant access to keywords like that.
Say you had 5 low competition buying keywords in the same niche. You could quite easily put together some simple content pages to get good rankings. Then you'd be making some serious cash, probably very easily.
But that's not the whole story...
There's one other insanely powerful thing Keyword Elite 2.0 can do... and it's going to blow your mind.

Imagine if you had the power to get almost instant, targeted long term traffic, for any site you wanted. I'm talking targeted, focused buying traffic...
The kind of visitors that would usually take months or even years to get...
And what if you could access these visitors almost right away? Even if it was your very first day working online?
Well, now you can.
Using one of the top secret projects in Keyword Elite 2.0, you can get Webmasters of sites in your niches to send you some of their most valuable traffic... and thank you for it.
And the best thing is, once it starts, this traffic could go on forever.
You could literally start a new site right now, today, and by the end of the day be receiving hordes of highly targeted traffic...
If you've ever struggled online to get consistent traffic, you know how valuable that could be.
Or maybe you've only struggled to find buying traffic, like I did?
Either way, this is exactly what you need.
Can you picture that? You're brand new to this, it's your first day of having a live site... and already you're getting other webmasters to send you unstoppable floods of buying traffic...
And that's from just one of the killer projects featured in Keyword Elite 2.0...
Check out how the whole package works...

You're probably starting to see exactly how powerful this thing is going to be for your business...
And that's crazy, because there's one huge thing I haven't mentioned yet... and it's going to blow your mind...

People either love PPC or hate it. Passionately.
But imagine going into any niche you want... and knowing exactly what ads work and what don't... knowing exactly how profitable each ad is... and knowing exactly which keywords are the ones that make money...
If you've ever even dabbled in PPC, you'll know that's killer information to have...
 | Instantly know how profitable and how expensive each keyword is... |
 | Get instant historical data... see the ads and CPC for any site that ever advertised on this keyword for the past 6 months |
 | Get Estimated Click figures without having to rely on Google's tool |
 | Export massive lists of keywords into Adwords at the click of a button... no more copying and pasting and wasting hours of your time |
 | Quickly and easily analyze your competitors, see their ads, how much they pay, everything |
 | Instant search histories- Make sure your keywords aren't declining in popularity... you get instant search numbers for the past 6 months |
Keyword Elite 2.0 can turn you into a PPC master...
Because it's going to remove the guesswork. Completely.
No more spending hours guessing and researching. You'll get such high clickthrough rates because of your targeted keywords that your CPC will be bargain basement stuff.
Your trial campaigns can become highly precise assassination missions. You'll destroy your competition with military precision, and suck in all the traffic you want to.
And you'll be able to do it with paid traffic, free traffic, JV traffic, just about any way you can imagine...
Good question.
But do me a favor... before you think about how much it's costing you, think about how much it's going to make you. This is a business decision... and business owners make decisions based not only on cost, but on potential income too.
So think about how much it will make you. Picture it in your mind.
What niche are you in? IM? Weight loss? Whatever... it really doesn't matter.
How many more sales will you get by getting an instant increase in highly targeted traffic today?
How many more sales will you make by instantly knowing how profitable ALL the PPC campaigns in your niche are?
How many sales could you make from having a high performing PPC campaign in any given niche?
5 a day? 10 a day? 50? 1000? 2000 a day?
If you've been in marketing more than a couple of weeks, you know numbers like that are perfectly realistic.
And all that's just from one campaign. You could pretty easily have 10 of these campaigns running.
But let's be cautious...
Let's say you only get one campaign going. And let's say it "only" gets you 2 sales a day profit.
That's still $700 a week if you're selling a $50 product. $2,800 a month. $33,600 a year. From just one campaign.
Wouldn't you love to have handed to you a tool that help you get to that amount?
How much would you honestly fork over for something that makes you almost 5 figures a month, with very little effort on your part?
I'll tell you, when I started out trying to rank for the weight loss site, I'd have paid you anything I could afford for this thing. Anything.
Five thousand bucks. Ten thousand. Whatever.
And you'd do the same wouldn't you, if you KNEW that the tool was going to make you $7k a month, at the very least?
But don't worry. I don't expect you to fork over anything like $10k...
In fact, it's not even a tenth of that price...
Move fast on this thing and I'll show you how to get in for a crazy one off price...
Keyword Elite 2.0 is about to redefine the niche research process. If you know anything about marketing online, you've probably realized that already. It's immensely powerful software, and I'll stand by it 100%. That's why I've got no problem at all with offering such an unusual guarantee. This guarantee removes all risk for you. You can download Keyword Elite 2.0 right now, and check it out today. I mean it. Fire it up. Watch it work. Apply it to your PPC campaigns. Apply it to your organic search projects. Watch your income soar... If you don't see results... I'll give your cash back... If you don't make more money... I'll give your cash back... If you just don't like it... I'll still give your cash back Even if you leave it until five minutes to midnight on the 56th day... ...I'll still give you every red cent back with a smile on my face, and wish you well. No hard feelings, and no arguments at all. So you're free to go ahead and order Keyword Elite 2.0 right now... with zero risk. I'm taking the risk from your shoulders, and putting it squarely on mine. Try it out at my expense. Download it. If it doesn't work out for any reason, I'll personally refund your cash. And that right there is set in stone. So you get peace of mind... and I do too. Brad Callen | |
I've Just Added One Final Insane Bonus.
... and it includes a FREE copy of SEO Elite!
I've just added one final unbelievable bonus to this already killer package... that guarantee makes this deal a no brainer, but this extra bonus completely pushes it over the edge...
If you go ahead and buy this right now, today, you'll also get a completely FREE 30 day trial of my private Search Marketing Elite membership club...
And don't worry, this isn't some terrible trial offer where most of the features are closed and you have to pay to get the good stuff...
Not at all. When I say you get 30 day's access, I mean full access...
And let me tell you, if you're looking to build your business into a solid, dependable source of unlimited income, Search Engine Marketing is exactly what you need.
Once you've got floods of targeted traffic coming in from FREE search engine placements, that's when your income can really grow... that's where millionaires are created...
Here's what you get as part of your 30 day trial:
 | Over 40 hours of cutting edge SEO training videos We've sold these videos for $997 in the past, and they were insanely popular. To put it bluntly, these videos will show you exactly how to start cleaning up and grabbing the top spots in your niche, immediately. |
 | 24/7 access to our SEO & Keyword Research experts Our guys are constantly watching the web, and keeping on top of the latest changes. So if you need advice, just ask, and if Google change their algorithm (again!), we'll tell you what to do... |
 | In depth search engine ranking report You get the finest details of what's happening in the search engine world... and don't worry, it's not going to be a big mess of things you don't understand · we'll break it down, tell you how to keep your rankings, and what it all means... |
 | Monthly niche marketing webinars You'll get instant access to all archived monthly webinars, as well as all future webinars that we put on each and every month. You'll learn the ins and outs of proper keyword research, SEO, and much more! |
 | Member's Forum This isn't some crappy forum that isn't very active and we pay very little attention to. Our group of experts answer questions and actually teach our member's inside the forum. |
 | *** A FREE copy of my SEO Elite software! (Value: $167) SEO Elite costs $167 to buy on its own, and it's the go to SEO tool for SEO pros all over the world. This thing can provide you with EVERY piece of information you need to drive any site to the #1 spot, whatever your niche. |
Get SEO Elite FREE!
And if you go ahead and buy Keyword Elite 2.0 right now...
You get SEO Elite FREE, as a part of your 30 day trial to the Search Marketing Elite club!
($167 Value!)
You get FULL access to all of this as part of your FREE 30-day trial membership to Search Marketing Elite. You can cancel your membership at any time before the 30 day trial is up and you will never be billed a dime.
If you decide that you absolutely love your Search Marketing Elite membership (which I know you will), do nothing, and you'll get to continue recieving all of the information packed "stuff" mentioned above... and we'll automatically bill you the low member price of only $39/month.
Again, you can cancel at any time by contacting our 24 hour support desk and we'll gladly cancel your membership
That final bonus makes this an unbelievable no-brainer.
Keyword Elite 2.0 & your free trial to SearchMarketingElite can literally change your fortunes today!
And to be honest, a price of $997, even $1497 would be a bargain. Because you can take Keyword Elite 2.0, apply it to your business, and make that money back within days. Literally.
But earlier I promised you a special launch price... and I meant it.
Move fast, right now... click the order button below, and you can get the whole package for just $197... and I'll even throw in a free 30 day trial to SearchMarketingElite.com...
$197 for this is a no-brainer.
Think about it... what are your alternatives?
What else can $197 get you these days? The new Iphone? A PS3?
A few nights on the town with your buddies?
Well guess what... None of those things are going to make you a single buck.
Most of the other serious keyword tools out there are either insanely expensive, or charge a crazy monthly fee too... $99 a month... $1497 for a year... $997 up front plus $97 a month. Insane prices...
But I'm offering you the most powerful of them all, for just $197...
And when you buy Keyword Elite 2.0, you're not just getting access to the world's most powerful keyword and niche finding tool... you also get $397 worth of bonuses...
Keyword Elite 2.0 costs just $197. Let's say you use it for the next 3 years to completely change the way you run your online business... that works out to just 18 cents a day.
Isn't it worth 18 cents a day to start massively growing your online business?
Click the button below to order right now...
"Keyword Elite 2.0"
Regular Price $297 Today $197

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S.- The original Keyword Elite was completely revolutionary... the guys that got in early were able to clean up in their niches, and gain instant advantages over their competition. This is just the same, so move fast...
P.P.S.- I'm deadly serious about you having 2 futures from now... your life could be totally different. But unless you make some changes, things will NEVER change for you. Order Keyword Elite 2.0, and make your success happen.
P.P.P.S.- Listen, this entire deal is completely no-risk... I've put together an unheard of 8 week guarantee for this thing. You can use it for 2 whole months before you decide if you want it. If you don't let me know, and I'll personally refund every penny. No risk, and no hard feelings.
Copyright © 2007 - 2009 Keyword Elite 2.0 - All Rights Reserved
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