"Transformers" -- ugh!


Optimus Prime (movie)Megatron (movie)
Optimus Prime (cartoon/toy)Megatron (cartoon/toy)
I can't keep it inside me any longer. The robot designs for the upcoming Transformers movie are gross!

Michael Bay, the director, released eight images of the Transformers. These look nothing like the Transformers I know! Compare the live-action design with Optimus Prime's classic cartoon depiction. Or Megatron's cartoon look. Why would anyone want to mess with these familiar designs???

When news of the movie were first announced, I wasn't sure how the robots would appear in what was supposed to be a realistic film. Transforming sentient robots, in themselves, already require a great leap of imagination.

Then, the first pictures of these insect-like, spindly mechanical creatures were released, and I was utterly creeped out. They looked like pieces of shrapnel stuck together. Where were the graceful forms? Where were the vehicular parts that made up the bodies?

Even the Autobots (the good guys) looked terrifying to me! Yuck, yuck, yuck!

I guess I'll still watch the movie when it hits the big screen, mostly because it'd be a blast from the past. But as of now, I'd much prefer enjoying the animated movie, especially since I bought the 20th anniversary special edition of "The Transformers: The Movie", heh.

The other depicted Transformers: Bumblebee, Jazz, Ironhide, Starscream, Blackout, Frenzy

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